Welcome To All My New Visitors

Welcome to all the new visitors from the Gawker.com Article.

If you are reading my blog for the first time it might appear to be a bit esoteric.  It is focused primarily on the adult industry and is widely read by insiders but there is more here than meets the eye, I have been doing this blog for more than ten years. if you scroll down and look on the right side you will see a “Catagories” drop down.  You might want to to click on that and choose some of the popular topics like “stripper quotes” or “best of Mike South”  again welcome and please book mark the blog, follow us on twitter, and have fun here.  We update whenever I feel like it, but thats usually at least once a day.


Thanks for taking the time to check out mikesouth.com

Mike South


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Welcome To All My New Visitors

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