The Super Gonorrhea Story Update

I am told by a source that is ABSOLUTELY in a position to know that this story is 100% factual. I believe that it is because like I said the source is in a position to know.

Diane Duke is either lying, misinformed or most likely both, and once again i expect she will be bit in the ass by this one.

Theres a lot of detail in this story too.

Now Diane is insinuating that I am making an irresponsible claim. That flat out is a lie. I am doing the responsible thing by notifying people in the biz of this situation, the irresponsible thing to do is pretend that it cant be true and shove your hands over your ears while shaking your head and saying no no no it cant be.

Now as performers how you choose to act on this information is on you. At this point you should seriously be considering new tests and condoms.

Unless someone comes forward this one is gonna take a bit to play out. I do know that the Health department has notified at least one person in the biz that they were exposed and should see a doctor immediately.

The responsible thing to do is NOT to ignore this story hoping that it is wrong.

Further evidence that Diane Duke is at best careless with performers health.

88230cookie-checkThe Super Gonorrhea Story Update

The Super Gonorrhea Story Update

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153 Responses

  1. This is from earlier and maybe some of the it doesn’t apply, but can you address some of the broader points? Why are these performers and source telling 1 person whats up? If this is a big issue make a big deal about it. The way they are going about it makes it very easy for the FSC to keep their position on this story? Who are they helping by not telling the industry at large?

    The other thing that really bugs me is why the heck does Mike know the # of performers infected and the # of people they had contact with, but no one in the industry at large has been made aware. Let’s be honest if this source or these performers were out to help people they wouldn’t tell just 1 blogger in Georgia. If these performers thought this was a serious spread risk and were in any way good people, interested in helping others, they would be sounding alarms to every site and agency in the industry. Who are they helping by informing 1 person through a source? Tell FSC or at least a second source so it doesn’t look like a “he said she said”. Please tell me what type of people would be confident enough to leak to 1 blog, but not to help others? So weird to me. You want to stay just hidden enough to keep doubt on this story and keep a stoppage from occurring? What sense does that make? I truly don’t understand the logic of not sounding alarms. These performers could contact FSC, let them no to take serious precautions, validate the story and stay anonymous to the outside world. What the eff are they doing?

  2. I mean lets be real, your blog may be super popular, but if this is how the performers and source are letting others know they are at risk then they are idiots. Many industry people may read this, but if this is their sole outlet for informing of a scary drug resistant disease then they are seriously wrong. At best silly, at worst bad humans not looking to protect people they must think are at risk. If these 2 performers think they have this and are on the same page as you, what are they thinking? This part continues to baffle, along with how FSC gains from this blowing up in their face and being on the wrong and dangerous side of a huge story? Please answers to those 2. Why are the performers not sounding alarms and what does FSC gain from being wrong?

  3. Please also explain why the source needs to stay in the shadows? Has he gotten the performers consent to share this with you? He maybe can’t reveal the performers, but he can reveal himself to lend more credence and clarity to the story.

  4. Who is in a high enough perch to know test and antibiotic results of 2 different people on opposite sides of the country? I want to address the “irresponsible thing to do is pretend that it cant be true” line. True, although I don’t think they meant “that it cant be true”, they said that this story “wasn’t true”. Almost anything has the possibility to be true. Of course anyone (including performers) CAN be exposed to any known disease. They are saying your specific story is untrue. Just arguing over wording. They weren’t saying it was impossible under any circumstances. Just in this case they are claiming “untrue”.

  5. Sorry another silly grammar thing: headline for this spells Gonorrhea wrong. It’s correct on earlier titles.

  6. Wouldn’t the “Health department” through FSC or Agencies try to warn the industry at large that they have an issue here? They wouldn’t have to reveal the infected names, just make them aware of the problem. Can they do that?

  7. Your presumption that my source is one of the performers is not necessarily correct, My confirmation source is actually more reliable and in a better position to know. Not playing games here I just have to be VERY careful.

    My advice to performers is take this into consideration and act accordingly

  8. Erik,
    You ask alot of good questions, so I will pose one to you. What makes you think that others havent been notified? What makes you think that the FSC, and the industry as a whole doesnt have a vested interest in making this story go away? It seems that all of your presumptions begin with the FSC is telling the truth, and with their track record I find that very hard to believe.
    Erik, how do you know who the infected people have or havent talked to? Can you even imagine how badly this is going to hurt the no condom crowd, and how important it is for the FSC to say this isnt happening. Get real Erik, the FSC had EVERTHING to lose in this situation, and I, and alot of others would not put it past them to not be truthful about this event.
    And seeing the industy well established track record of how unfortunate performers who have gotten ill while working have been treated in the past, what makes you think that they would want their names made public to the industry?

  9. @Jilted

    Tyvm! Fingers were itching…how do you know they didn’t tell someone else?

    looking at the summer..Twitter not reliable for info..if it hadn’t been for someone who took action to stay safe, the industry as whole would have continued with attitude, ignorance is bliss. Confronting the threat head on via twitter the performer faced immediate denials and grief for standing up. Who knows how long this brave person had been hearing unverified rumors, saw the opportunity presented when she was booked with the individual, checked PASS which performers usually aren’t able to, trying to verify at the source was a problem

    Then looking at how performers get automatically blamed for bringing disease to the set..vs possibility they may have found it on set. Is it any wonder we are hearing about this via a blog vs FSC as administrator of the PASS database and who via their medical advisory board develops the testing panels touted as effective means to protect industry?

  10. @Erik2690

    It boggled my mind too, until verifying information presented by each source, couldn’t imagine an industry that wouldn’t be up front pushing to preserve its way of life…until I saw that is exactly what FSC does..push to keep things unregulated with promise that they are looking out for the industry stakeholders. They don’t even sugarcoat it and say..our’s industry stakeholders.

    Performers aren’t industry leaders or stakeholders, so their health has continued to take back seat to stakeholders bottom line. When public cries foul loud enough FSC slaps a band aid on boo boo and tells everyone it’s all better. When events prove it isn’t all better, FSC says ..our system works so it isn’t our fault.

    Reading through FSC, AVN, xbiz, la times…then checking facts is a real eye opener. Reading several sources for related events..patterns quickly emerge. Adding CDC, WHO and other reliable sources for related info will definitely put you on one side of the fence or the other…once there it is hard to stay objective with new events, or be patient as events play out.

    Good luck in quest of curiosity…

  11. No, you are right for some reason I had it in my head that one of your earlier posts said you had been contacted by one of them. My bad.

  12. If this story is what you say it is how could they make it go away????? A incurable superbug that is running through the porn industry and they’re going to cover it up? If Mike is correct there is no way that is possible. How would you cover that for any length of time? Please tell me?

  13. How are they not losing immensely more by being wrong and infecting more people?

    @LurkingReader I was not talking about outing themselves to the public. They could inform anonymously and not to the FSC if they wanted. Go directly to agencies with calls to stop them from booking girls. Anything is better than telling 1 blog. We are as of know getting this info fourth-hand. With something as apparently serious as this that is dangerous to other people. If they are worried about how it makes them look vs. stopping an incurable disease from spreading then they are selfish, selfish people. And if others have been contacted why is this literally the only reporting? Other sites cover HIV+ and even FSC acknowledges them without taking responsibility. This is literally the only source, why do that if their goal is to stop spread?

  14. Correct my presumptions. You are trying to break a big story. Inform me why I’m wrong, not just that I am wrong. If you have info use it. You are claiming that there is an incurable disease bearing down on the industry and as of now your stance is if you don’t happen to read my blog have a free disease. Have you called the FSC and put them in contact with your source? Have you done everything possible to get them to see you are right? Or don’t go to FSC, but go to some other entity to get the word out faster. You are going to sit on the info, knowing that tons still don’t believe you? Won’t more people be infected while you sit back and say “oh, you will see who’s right”.

  15. actually it isnt incurable I have found several articles that indicate a drug cocktail.

    ” injectable gentamicin in combination with oral azithromycin and oral gemifloxacin in combination with oral azithromycin – successfully treated gonorrhea infections in a clinical trial. The trial was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The study was conducted to identify new treatment options in the face of growing antibiotic resistance. ”

    The big problem is that this is the last line of defense and drug companies are not putting money into the development of new antibiotics

  16. Not my point. If Mike has all the info and FSC has none, I would expect them to say “this is untrue”. From their info (none) it is. But, if the info is an incurable disease bearing down on people and you don’t scream it from the roof and call everyone in the industry that you are just as much the bad guy. If this story is true I have 0 respect for how the performers and source have handled it. Telling 1 blog is not how you inform people of a terrible disease. That’s silly. If you are so sure it’s true you sound every alarm possible. You don’t sit back and watch more become infected to say “Told ya so”.

  17. So are you preparing me for the fact that they will cover it up and you will never provide evidence to prove anything or are you just missing my point. My point had to do with whether they could completely cover up such a big story and why it will look worse when they can’t. You can’t have it both ways, you constantly say how incompetent they are an now they can cover this whole story up? Which are they? I can’t see how they could block a story like this from daylight. Why in the world does your source not at least go to a second outlet to bolster this? Informing more people could help people? Right?

  18. That quote doesn’t say those drugs worked on the resistant strain, it said they were trying new cocktails on gonorrhea. Then they hope to the resistant strain with these new cocktails later. That’s how I read it. Kinda weird wording though.

  19. You kinda missed some things, I don’t tell everything I do I did in fact notify LATATA and ask if they had any additional info. I also notified the FSC but they refused to respond.

    All that said the BEST thing I can do is post what info I have to the most widely read and respected site in the biz, a site that everyone in the biz pretty much reads….Thats what i did

    It gets the info out there and people can then decide what to do on their own, its better to have the info and let that guide you than to shove your head into the sand and pretend it isnt happening.

    Its hard for me to explain because I can NOT EVER compromise a good source but I totally believe this story to be 100% factual for several reasons, many of which even you have pointed out…one is the details but the biggest is that the main source IS in a position to know everything I was told, I left out any details that could identify that source or how they would know, truth is I probably let a little too much info out anyway but the source approved what I did release.

    In the end Eric you can trust that if you came to me with a very important story but needed to be kept clear of it, after verifying as best as I can that your story is factual you needn’t worry that I would roll on you.

    This site ONLY works because I have EXCELLENT sources that trust 100% that I will not give them up

    I have said this before…there are two things in this life that I will never give up

    Rock and roll and a source.

  20. I cant speculate on if any others news sites know, I suspect that certain organizations do know I KNOW the LA County Dept of Public Health knows. Remember this is very sensitive info….Im out on a limb as it is with this one. I can only answer for me.

  21. If this matter so importane indusrty why is LATATA send out press release warning members to this on subject??? I am sure talent agencies and talent agents part LATATA would like tell world there on top matter. Facts your give out story so vague that gone wait for more come out about this storye before put any trust in to it. After all Mike porn indusrty has stop shooting porn over this not even make porn indusrty where condoms over matter. S0 I am fail see how importane indusrty this is to indusrty. Funny how this such issue LA County Dept of Public Health has come out release public health warn like does other STD events.

  22. Ok, cool saying you informed others would have been a smart detail to include in one of your 5 posts. No idea why you pimp your site in the comments, I’m sure everyone loves it. Don’t know how you could say that pretty much everyone in a whole industry reads it? Also, they would have to read it at the right time in this case. Also, it’s “ERIK” not “ERIC”. I know thats nothing, but it is right in the username so not that hard to get right. Also, I know trusting sources is a big key but “I totally believe this story to be 100% factual for several reasons”. Your “belief” shouldn’t be the dictator, evidence and facts should. I still don’t really get the lack of alarm sounding, but hopefully you get more info. As of know this “he said she said” with no evidence.

  23. Also, what was LATATA response? Did they believe you, did you present them any evidence? Are they going to inform others?

  24. So why isn’t public health saying anything? The disease isn’t some tiny creature you scare away by making noise. The noise could help people. Why are they not making announcements? You shouldn’t have to speculate? Your source could at least try to anonymously verify your story to other outlets.

  25. @erik2690

    In one sentence…what is your point?

    Mine…hard to make informed decisions on what you think OUGHT to be, what regs and policy mandate and how that happens without placing this ONE event in context. No way to get context from one source no matter how many relevant details are included. Trust but verify.

  26. @eric2690

    FSC as PASS database administrator is responsible for calling moratoriums when the current testing panel indicates a problem. They have a medical advisory board to help make this happen…even when moratorium was recently called ‘industry leaders and stakeholders’ ignored this and went elsewhere to shoot footage.

    LATATA isn’t responsible for developing industry standards or implementation…I wouldn’t expect them to make any statements on this until more is revealed. over the last year they have tried to introduce change and basically got told GFY. The press releases around HepC this summer and last month are CYA directly related to accusations that they knew about performer working with untreated HepC.

    FSC are making announcements…this time calling the rumors unfounded.

    The health departments involved have a job and protocols to follow to ensure their objective of identifying, treating and minimizing communicable disease. Until they have tracked this from patients one and two..who may not be patient ZETA or start, they have nothing to report. health departments are medical professionals…does your doc issue press releases when something out of the ordinary comes up? Most likely he does the mandated reporting to LHD and shares heads up to close associates w/o identifying patient.

  27. @erik

    Mike South’s belief is absolutely relevant on HIS site…as a blogger he posts what he believes to be true and has no obligation to provide the evidence or facts behind those posts. At times current event…it may even expose him and the site to legal liabilities if he were to disclose.

  28. My point at this point is why are the performers in question and the source not going to more than 1 outlet to inform people of this situation?

  29. It’s either a huge threat that is about to spread through a community of people or it is not. Which is it in this case? City wide health officials operate under the same construct as a personal physician? You’re essentially saying that everyone with protocol has to wait for more facts, I agree. Just a weird spot because Mike has put this story out as fact, but we aren’t privy to any evidence. It seems Mike may not have evidence either, just the word of people trusts. That isn’t a bad way to go, but I’m not sure it is evidence or proof. It’s just frustrating at this stage in the story.

  30. LATATA not part PASS database in fact they have state they never have want be part FSC PASS database. Again here you are being told buy none indusrty person who does under stand that LATATA made bunch statements here else where that do not corporate with FSC they do not agree with FSC. So his base argument unravel when start fact check pass statement made about events these type events from LATATA. Some one is say when there real event like this LATATA warns members buy make public statement or press release they have done in the past on ever real STD event. What ever happen in Florida where other part story??? Not hearing thing about what happing there??? Story FSC told LATATA pound sand start frist LATATA told FSC go pound sand over make them go any aprove FSC medical clinics for STD testing. So eric if want truth gone have research some where else on your owen becuase not gone find from those repeating what was true time again and again. I wish good luck erick buy all means keep asking so called sages porn questions untill get answers your questions.

  31. The protocols in place by organizations and agencies might seem like red tape but without those protocols they would be constantly reinventing the wheel and allowing themselves to be pulled into ancillary issues that divert them from their purpose.

    It is very frustrating to have a tid bit when you want the whole meal…these things never happen in a day or even a week..some have been happening for years and years behind the scenes….current events of these processes can make it seem like it’s ALL NEW when it’s just a blip along the road before any meaningful conclusions, resolutions and/or change can be made.

  32. @richard
    Time to unravel some shit here!
    Where did I say LATATA was part of PASS database? I didn’t…i said they DONT implement policy???when they tried to offer the 20buck idea they got told GFY by both sides of debate.

    Never said the talent agency doesn’t cooperate with FSC…did say I was familiar with the history…in response to your questions and allegations.

    Totally agree that if Erik wants to find the truth he would be well served to check out varied sources…said so more than once…not even gonna try to decipher the rest of the goop…

    If you accuse me…make sure you have your ducks in a row! I’m a big girl and have a thick skin…I’ll stand for what I believe…even apologize when I’m wrong..don’t think for one fucking minute that because I’m not in the industry that I’m not informed. Or that I’m not gonna call you out for assigning motives and making blatantly false accusations without any basis in fact beyond…she isn’t in the industry.

    By the way..since my being an outsider is such an issue…what qualifies you an insider? What qualifications do you have on policy analysis, development and implementation?

  33. LaWeekly has article by Dennis Romero who has been reporting industry related news for a long time.

  34. Maybe we should look at it this way…who really cares anymore? If the talent is too stupid or too irresponsible to care about their physical health, then why should anyone else? You can argue they are desperate for a paycheck…I argue they are more desperate for the attention and are willing to override the risks to get it so I say let them. You can argue it’s killing the porn industry one nail at a time…I say it’s mostly dead anyway and who in their right mind really thinks porn is still and going to continue to be central in LA? Wishful thinking. They have been warned 98742 times and they simply don’t care so let em do what they do and eventually they will weed themselves out. If you caught a super hero STD…then you gambled and lost. You can spew all the diarrhea you want out of your mouth about how condoms do this, condoms don’t do that but if you haven’t figured out they are your best and only defense against all those evil and nasty STD’s that you are about to get…well here’s your Syphilis.

  35. That is something and thanks for directing me to it. It literally says nothing new though. It purely recaps both sides and essentially says maybe true, maybe not. More of a recap than any report. Thanks, though.

  36. I guess. We have Mike and comments saying “worse than HIV” and the HIV+ results didn’t seem to take long to be verified by others. Could anyone really keep other outlets from finding out about this in a fairly timely manner? It doesn’t seem like it to me.

  37. Thank you for common cents out this issue BrookeTyler. I am glade hear some one from indusrty put issue in right perspective. I love when none indusrty people here get caught sayting some thing stupid about porn indusrty act little crying bitches when call out over matter go in denial over fact they said some thing stupid. Assigning repeating same stupid thing over and over again on subject that got no clue what talking about use assigning theorys conjectures to prove case that can not even make againt FSC that does sound stupid. Assigning person say they unstand situation as soon get get caught counterdic them on subject they stop acting like adult turn in third grader over matter. Funny is person who claims they are out sider indusrty get all bent out shape over issue that does not effect them who clear said so. So thank you BrookeTyler I may not be christmas card list not on mine but made whole lot porn common cent that other people round here have fail do so.

  38. Not till there is something substantiated to be all over…then I would assume they might act in some capacity. If they knew of a set where infected performers worked in Ca, they are known for pushing cal OSHA into investigating…again, time will tell.

  39. @richard

    What stupid thing did I say? What qualifies you IN THE industry? Are you qualified to analyze, interpret and implement policy?

    Crying like a little bitch..roflmao…this bitch is in your face. The third grader would be you…inferring and making remarks for days on end crossed the line when you tried to infer I condoned pedophilia for sticking to my agenda and not jumping on yours. Instead of replying directly the responses generated to address your accusations somehow it must have suited your purpose to call me names? Last night you say some crap then promise to ignore me…then talk shit today…if you’re gonna say it..say it to me, be ready to stand behind what you say!

    FSC is an organization with published policy, when they deviate from that policy…the first amendment gives me freedom to point that out. If FSC wants to refute a single thing I have said…I welcome it. I’m extremely careful in giving the benefit of the doubt and using FACTUAL sources to base my opinions on.

    Until or unless site host asks me to leave, I’ll be here. Please be careful that you don’t confuse my right to express opinions you disagree with as an excuse to malign my character.

  40. @Lurk –
    I can’t speak for Mike, but I can say I’m pretty sure you have nothing to worry about.. 🙂

    You know, sometimes people who are far removed from the industry just *may* know more about it than you think. And, never underestimate women with “research” fetishes. (I hope I just made that fetish up, but I doubt it?)

  41. It didn’t put them in any position to have to backpedal no matter what happens because it never gave an opinion or reported. Just said “one person says this, another says not true”. Certainly no new facts. I don’t the writer or publication well enough to agree on the oddity of it though.

  42. @lacey

    Didn’t the parentheses stand out? That South has decent batting average on these things. Idk but reporter adding that seems to indicate where he stands till more is revealed…official party line being challenged ?

  43. @erik

    Romero didn’t have to even name the blogger…that he does and includes info from post shows his commitment to be balanced. Reporter doesn’t just take organizations statement, he generally gets other corroborating or includes opposing viewpoints.

  44. @erik2690 –
    That’s kind of what I thought was weird about it? It didn’t necessarily “say” anything, so why write a piece on it!
    The FSC denies it. No one, other than Mike, has talked about it so… I don’t know?
    My initial thought was this reporter said in the piece that he has followed Mike in the past and he has a “good record” so I figured maybe he just wrote it on a whim to make the situation publicly known or it was a really slow news day? I don’t know?

    But, the more I think of it the article didn’t even “say” anything so what exactly was the point?
    Maybe he called health officials and got some kind of very vague information to indicate a problem of some sort? Ah, I’m just speculating at this point.

    The fact that a reporter wrote an entire piece on something no one even acknowledges seems strange.

    Just saying…

  45. I felt like either what you’re saying is true or he was using as a reason to justify even typing it up. Most readers probably need some reason to think that 1 blog post is worth the writing of the article. I felt like Romero was telling his readers “this isn’t some random blog” with the parenthetical. It could have been him leaning 1 way though. I can’t tell. Either way I wasn’t suggesting he shouldn’t print both sides, I was more suggesting that is all he did. Just more of a retelling of what us here already know, not new info.

  46. I like when some who does even belong indusrty lecturing you all on why ever thing FSC fault can explain why that is so other get attention them self. Use there owen logic I do not have explain my self to them I do have confirm my self to them I do not have prove like them that done any thing for cause. Just like them I can express disagreement with them. If they do agree with that need go read what first amendment stand for states. How up set none indusrty person flame up over issue rest porn so far not even had passion over. Well I am done given this person attenion they so obviously need becuase they made selfs look stupid. I wonder how gone feel if story comes out be fails alarm. I real do not care becuase show again they have no clue what indusrty is about real people of indusrty well have laugh about people claim know there indusrty yet have no part in it. Usa same person twist logic why have debate some one who clearly state there no part of porn indusrty. To person flame up good look with your special time month do make pills such help with that. Your not in my face your my punch line. Good day. See on next silly issue.

  47. Mike, if your story is true it doesn’t yet seem to have had the intended reaction. I have tried lots of keywords searching for performers mentioning this story or getting the word out. I have found very few. Those that I have found are at least as of now not believing it to be true. This is obviously unfortunate if the story is true. I haven’t found news of any performers not shooting or getting the word out about this story. Twitter is usually a decent hive of people talking about porn gossip or trying to confirm things. As of now this story either hasn’t gotten through or isn’t widely believed. Keep us updated. Do you believe the Cali performer caught it in time to not be a huge spread risk. I specify Cali because I’m under the impression Florida operates quite differently.

  48. I keep hearing about research…research this, research that. The only research that will really matter is the research you do by spending a day, a week , a month, with performers and make a vain attempt to understand that wide spectrum of mentalities that exist among them. Until you do, all that your research is about as valuable as researching how to do a kidney transplant. You may have read the manual from back to front but without a doubt your patient is destined for the coffin.

  49. One of the major symptoms of this particular gonnorrhea is diarhea. If you are working in the industry and are experiencing this symptom, please, dont ignore it. Tell your doctor what you do for a living and you are concerned that you may have contracted this gonnorrhea. And if you are one of those performers who regularly takes an antibiotic a few days before you get tested STOP DOING THAT NOW, you not only endager yourself, but others you might expose if you catch this disease. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY.

    I would like to see TTS,CET,FSC/PASS issue some type of statement regarding this very dangerous practice of self medicating. Overuse of antibiotics is one of the main reasons this has become such a major issue, and the porn industry’s track record of doing exactly this is now beyond dangerous.

  50. @erik

    Great take on what Romero was saying with parentheses.

    I thought he got the press release and being a mainstream journalist who’s agenda is to print news took it a step further by including the other info in article as background.

  51. @brooke

    Actually I do know some performers, what I found over years long relationships with them…people are people. As a cheerleading coach in Florida, involved in pageants among other boards…more than one or two over the years didn’t want or lacked support to do the, college, job, ideal pushed on them. A few financed their education in front of the camera knowing they might be limited in their chosen fields. Now that they know what I’m doing, they are urging me forward to speak for them. They want choice, want to know that choice won’t cost them their life, are happy to be tested, don’t want to be making a choice btwn personal bills and test expenses every month, and they hate seeing their content uploaded onto free sites.

    The industry isn’t a stranger to me…grew up financially and materially supported by porn. I do policy as a rule, that is my talent..takes a lot of research to see if what you’re hearing is accidental or systemic.

    I have a track record in advancing change to policy…granted some of my pets died before ever making it to the table through parliamentary moves. I’ll be the first to say…don’t know shit about making a movie..not a doc either..doesn’t mean I haven’t tangled with them over policy..and won.

    Downside to my talent..tend to get too damn serious, write and speak in policy language, making me appreciate that much more those who can share same observations in a concise amusing manner.

  52. @BrookeTyler –
    As wonderful as that sounds, what exactly would be the point?

    So, I’m supposed to sit down with a performer and listen to them tell me:
    -How the testing system works.
    -Condoms aren’t needed when you get tested every 28 days.
    -How no one EVER has unprotected sex off-set. (even while escorting.)
    -Condoms cause vaginal irritation. (but, fisting or 2 dicks doesn’t?)
    -All you need to eradicate STD’s in the industry is get a HIPPA waiver, some panel of industry people and add in some trust.

    or, should I do a research paper on delusional behavior? If I was still in college, I would write my thesis on delusional behaviors within the adult industry. I’m not kidding.

    There is a huge part of me that thinks most performers don’t buy this bullshit, but they just go along with the industry slogans to remain working… I can totally understand this. But, some of this shit is so far out there that I actually have a hard time believing they’re serious?

  53. @lacey

    Lmao over the condoms are irritating….yes latex allergies cause irritations and lack of lube the analogy of hairy fists..ouch makes me hurt just thinking of it lol..

    Forgot the part about how few scenes there are to go around…lucky performers get contracted escort work..unlucky…fights with long term partners when partner gets the herpes or warts she didn’t feel and couldn’t warn about. Yeast infection…code word for crotch rot not yet identified. Roflmao when friend said..shit got another yeast infection to me..I knew..she patiently let this cheer mom tell her all about eating yogurt and ten other things that monogamous mom knew about yeast infections. Or the pretty glass butt plugs at largest adult store in Orlando Florida…look pretty till one breaks in your ass..made me pucker to hear it. Didn’t make my dinner that night too appealing but it is her everyday reality, regardless of how nice the room or clothes the customer is surrounded by..she made it clear, very little difference btwn her and the hos walking OBT.

  54. Btw. Producer was more pissed that he didn’t have spare glass butt plug, wanted her to let partner pick the glass out and be ready to resume shooting before his lackey returned from store…bitched about spending cash on a new one to guy and wanted him to pay the 150$

  55. @Lurk –
    I try so hard to keep things in perspective.
    And, then I start wondering if I’m the one who’s missing something? Am I missing a part of the puzzle that makes everything make sense?

    I always come up with the same exact answer:
    Nope, these ideas are still batshit fucking crazy.

  56. @lacey

    Nooooo don’t start another fetish… ATM with that’s some crazy shit! 🙂

  57. Yes…you should. You might actually learn something that way. You would learn they won’t fit your “research fetish” conclusions. Your views and labeling of performers (such as delusional) is ill conceived and incorrect at best. In fact it’s a bit baffling that your knowledge of porn performers has led you to look down upon them from such a high pedestal yet you don’t even know even one. Seem like poor “research” habits to me but hey…I could be wrong. Convince me I’m not.

  58. @brooke

    Not going to give names 🙂 If you like pecan vs pumpkin pie…more power to you. Beyond that look at what I say over and over again..I doubt you’ll find me downing performers, unless my wanting them to be safe comes across that way..I hope it doesn’t.

    Don’t like the hypocritical bullshit of an organization saying one thing loud and clear while they pay lawyers to do the opposite in courts and agencies all over the US.

  59. I didn’t say you were downing performers and honestly I don’t care who does as long as they don’t purport to be factual or even remotely true. I say things that are insulting to performers on a regular basis but I don’t sell myself as the end all of factual conclusion or the all knowledgeable. I clearly state it’s my opinion and unlike so many others I am always open to the fact that I may be wrong and at times I am. I do find it irresponsible to make implied educated statements on uniformed and uneducated facts. I would never propose to know what all firemen think or believe or how they will react because I read an issue or point of view “on the internet” that I chose to believe as fact. You can try and sell that kind of research anyway you want but common sense prevailing will always put that junk in the bullshit bin where it belongs.

  60. @lacey

    I’ve met a lot of guys, girls, directors, and company owners. I would say about 80% are delusional. There are few I’ve been able to have a lasting friendship with. I don’t know what the others are, but when you resort to legalized prostitution I may use the term “mislead” instead of “delusional” when it comes to them. I know a director that once told me that the AHF is against the adult industry having enjoyable sex when they first started pushing for condoms. That’s not a lie. He’s still shooting and shooting quite a lot last time I checked. He’s a really sweet guy, but I think he is a little mislead.

    The industry could use a lot of political reeducation.

    It is definitely a different world that one can easily get caught up in if they aren’t careful. Picture having things burned off of your cervix and your biggest concern is when you can go back and make more money. Is that delusional? Not sure, but it isn’t what I would consider to be normal. Take that mindset and apply it to other aspects of life. A lot actually do believe the stuff they are told.

    Porn uses the excuse that they are safer than those who go to clubs and go home with guys they just met. Those who do that aren’t normal either.

    In porn there are dupers and dupees. It literally comes down to just that. You’ll be much more successful as a duper than a dupee.

    Write that paper. I would love to read it.

  61. @BrookeTyler –
    Poor research habits according to who?
    You don’t even know exactly what I’m fucking researching??

    But, please, be my guest and explain what I’m going to accomplish for MY research by talking to a few performers?
    I’m sure talking with them will get me CDC stats, OSHA guidelines or maybe I could even find out who actually owns CET. If I’m looking for analytical research answers I’m sure porn performers would be my best bet, right?

    Oh, wait, I know… I can talk about how many of them would like to wear condoms, but currently can’t because then they won’t get booked for scenes. But, who the fuck doesn’t know that already?

    Are you seriously going to stand by your statement that NONE of them are delusional? Seriously?
    Delusional doesn’t mean stupid. If you’re not sure what delusional means then maybe you can go sit down with a non-delusional performer and have them explain it to you…
    (Or, you could research it on the web which should save you a considerable amount of time.)

    Finally, I’ll step down off my high pedestal once you stop projecting your bullshit onto me. Deal?

  62. @Brooke

    I have provided references to FACTUAL resources…to back up my opinions…when duke puts out something other than saying…not based I the right science or they got the wrong numbers…didn’t include us when regs were made..regs for medical regs for BBP are based in medical fact…where’s dukes MD? She tried to force an epidemiologist on OSHA to say its okay to have disease on the set! That rates of transmission in/out of the industry….only one problem…FSC has refused to release actual data…who’s numbers are fucked?

    Lawsuits…with DIRECT contradictory statement by FSC/stakeholders to what they release in press statements …that’s fucking fact based on research and has nothing to do with any performers except that they believe the lies they are told.

    You want to believe the FSC propaganda bullshit..go ahead..not my body on the line, I’m not forking out hundreds every month for tests the producers should be paying for, nor am I losing cash hand over fist so FSC and stakeholders can get their hands on more lucre trying to charge me a hunt and seek fee before agreeing to split the revenues on uploaded copyrighted material. I stand by my opinions based on solid research…if your experience with numbers, data, and policy lead you to a different be it and peace to you.

  63. You know you are absolutely right…I have no idea what your researching and I’m not sure you do either. I never said there wasn’t delusional people in the adult industry…I just said you don’t know any of them. Still, you sit anonymously behind a keyboard and pass your judgement and make statements on that of which you know nothing about yet somehow feel qualified to do so. Wait! That’s delusional!…delusional now clarified…thanks!. Your projection “delusion” if you will, is odd to say the least. Your giving me more credit than I deserve. I don’t have any ill will towards you, your posts and claims just seem to register the BS meter more than most. Maybe it’s just me, maybe it’s not. Sorry if I disagree with your views and opinions, that obviously seems to hit a nerve with you and that shouldn’t happen.

  64. Mr…I don’t know what your talking about or why you even have a horse in this race. Unless your trying to be the knight in shining armor for Lacey and in my opinion she doesn’t need one, she handles herself just fine, you have obviously misconstrued this conversation horribly. I will repeat myself, I was only responding to Lacey…not you. My answer to you was my clarification on my view of the thread between myself and Lacey. I don’t care about your facts and figures and in the same note I have no reason not to believe you. I am going to say the same thing again…just because I disagree or cry BS doesn’t mean I am tossing grenades at you while your on the damn toilet.

  65. @brooke

    If your comments were to a specific individual as you now claim…it helps to address the comments.

    Last I looked I’m all female and somehow I doubt Lacey needs a knight 🙂

  66. You have no idea what I’m researching and, now, you’re not sure if I know what I’m researching?
    Care to elaborate because that makes absolutely no sense???

    Ok, I’ll play:
    Who or what exactly am I judging?
    What statements have I made in which I know nothing about?
    What statements have I made that I wasn’t qualified to make?
    Plus, I’m not aware of what “bullshit” you’re even talking about?

    Answer these and then we can talk about what delusional *really* means…..

  67. My head is spinning a little bit with all the back and forth here. It may be important to go back to Mike’s original post, which said that two performers had tested positive, that they had gone through several rounds of treatment and indicated that they were not having sex outside of the industry, and that the results had been reported to the CDC. Remember the CDC is the Center For Disease Control, which is a federal agency.

    His first report does not say that the two performers were tested at an industry facility. Only Mike knows what he knows, so …. I don’t know if they tested at an industry facility or with their private doctor or a non-industry clinic.

    He says the results were reported to the CDC. It does not say they were reported to the LA County Department of Health or that they were reported to an industry data base.

    Speculation, but it is possible that the performers in question went to their private physicians, that those docs ordered treatment, treatment was unsuccessful and the doc then reported it to the CDC. A private doc would be under obligation to report to a government agency, but not to an industry facility. In fact, because of HIPPA, a private doc may be prohibited from reporting to an industry facility.

    Now, I don’t know how it works in Los Angeles, meaning I don’t know if the CDC will do its own investigation and then notify LA County; whether the CDC will ask LA County to do the investigation; or whether CDC would do it jointly with LA County.

    What I do know from having reported on stories involving the CDC and other federal investigative bodies, is that as a rule, they do not acknowledge they are investigating something unless there’s a broad danger to public health – something that could lead to an epidemic. ON the other hand, the CDC isn’t going to say squat unless it thinks it knows something to prevent a panic.

    What I’m saying is, the lack of a news story means squat at this point – it doesn’t mean there is or isn’t an investigation.

    With regard to lack of social media chatter by talent, remember that one of the lessons from Alex Gonz is that people suspected things for a long time. It wasn’t until Lisa Ann – an industry leader – raised hell that something happened. Best I can tell, in all of these stories of late, talent has been silent on everything except the right to keep performing without condoms.

    Long way of saying that Mike’s original post – and I haven’t seen anything to the contrary from Mike – is that two performers have tested positive. One is currently in LA and one is currently in Miami – but, may have been in LA. The CDC has been notified.

    I have no idea whether it is or isn’t true, but the lack of media coverage or social media chatter doesn’t prove or disprove the post, especially if non-industry physicians and the CDC are involved.

  68. I didn’t come here to play with you Lacey. If I am not clear then label me non concise as well as delusional. You are simply an anonymous poster whose real name could be Bob that has zero real world experience in the actual adult industry…this by your own admission I might add. That in its own right pretty much answers the last three of your “play” questions. If that doesn’t make sense to you then I’m not sure anything will. You’re as qualified to judge or make assumptions about the adult industry as I am about passing judgements over how you filed a corporate tax return…if that’s who you really are.

  69. Dilussiona: Someone who says that it is safer to NOT use a condom when you are having sex with a sex worker/prostitiute who has had unprotected sex with multiple partners since their last std test 25 days ago, but insists that you use condoms in your personal life to protect the sex wokrers you will be having unprotected sex with. Dianne Duke is dilussional.

  70. “You are simply an anonymous poster whose real name could be Bob that has zero real world experience in the actual adult industry.” “You’re as qualified to judge or make assumptions about the adult industry as I am about passing judgements over how you filed a corporate tax return…if that’s who you really are.”



  71. A little bit about testing: The standard industry test for gonnorrhea is a urine test. It gives a negative or positive result, but it does NOT indicate any specific strain of the . Mike reported that these two tested positive, received antibiotics, and when they retested they were still positive. That can happen under the best circumstances, because the urine gonnorrhea test is “Not intended for post treatment evaluation” and that is because the test can still pick up the DNA structure of the now ‘dead’ gonnorrhea cells. It is not uncommon, but what is also not uncommon is for people in the industry to continue having sexual encounters and therefore risking re-infection. So the person is given another round of antibiotics, and it is stressed to them to refrain from sexual activity, which in Mikes original post these two claim to have been abstaining. But then they retest positive again, and insist they havent been having sex. At this point the doctors probably did a ‘culture’ test on the urine specimen, and the culture test identified the H104 antibiotic resistant strain. This culture test can take anywhere from 2 to five days.

    Any confirmed cases of gonnorrhea are reported to the local county health, but any H104(this number might be wrong) is reported to the CDC.

    There is nothing unusual about a performer catching gonnorrhea, and initially this would raise no red flag. The performer is not listed on PASS because he/she has gonnorrhea, but it isnt until about two weeks later does it get diagnosed as antibiotic resistant gonnorhea. And if the persons who had this disease experienced any of the tell tale symptoms they probably went to their real doctor, and it is entirely possible that the real doctor is the one who diagonosed the antibiotic resistant gonnorhea.

    The industry as a whole has a vested interest in keeping this quiet. Dianne Duke is a lawyer, and her statement about ‘active’ performers not having the disease was a very well thought out statement, and every word was chosen very carefully.

    Overuse of antibiotics is one of the MOST MAJOR factors in the spread of this disease, and the well established industry track record of this unsafe behavior makes the industry ripe for a disaster. If you are a perfromer who has experienced a severe case of diarrhea lately, get your ass to a real doctor and tell him you are concernded about his and GET TESTED immedeately. If you are a performer who routinely takes an antibiotic a few days before getting tested STOP NOW, you are putting yourself and countless others at unecessary risk, but unfortunatley you probably dont care about that.

  72. So if your opinion on the industry is not valid because you dont work in the industry, then I guess that any performers opinion on these medical issues is also not valid because they dont work in the medical field. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander, right. Always seems that porners get to express their opinions on anything and everything, and defend their opinios as a first ammendment right, but anyone else must have specific credentials to have an opinion, especially when that opinion contains factual information that refutes the established porn industry party line, like, its safer to have unprotected sex without a condom on a porn set, but in private a condom should be uses. LOL. Dianne Duke urges performers to be ‘vigilant’ in their private lives,,but once on set you are encouraged to be as ultra risky as possible(50 man anal creampie gangbang anybody?)LOL

  73. Erik,
    Doesnt the fact that it is being discussed right here let you know that they werent able to completely cover it up. It can take longer than usual to diagnose this disease. The test used by the industry does not say, “Positve for H104” it just says Positive.
    Only after the intial treatments fail and follow up tests done, including a culture test, do they diagnose this disease. And not being listed on PASS because of a positive gonnorrhea test is nothing out of the ordinary, so no red flags went up with the intitial gonnorrhea diagnosis.
    It might also be noted that this particularly deadly strain was first diagnosed in a Japanese SEX WORKER in 2009.

  74. Of course you didn’t come here to play with me… I’m not paying you. Do I have to pay you to get an answer to my questions? What is your hourly escort rate again? If your going to label me as judgmental then I guess I should start being judgmental, right?

    The fact is I’ve never judged you, yet you have no problem judging me or my level of intelligence.

    So, I’m not allowed to talk about the adult industry because I’m not currently in the industry? Is there a “how to fuck” class I can take or should I do a scene on camera in order to be qualified to state my opinion? Almost everyone over the age of 13 knows how to fuck.. it’s not that difficult.

    The difference between us is that if you did some research and questioned a tax return that I prepared, I would actually listen to you. I’m not fucking arrogant enough to assume you’re so stupid that you couldn’t possibly understand a tax return.

    I don’t need to get throat fucked on camera in order to understand the adult industry and I don’t need to become an escort to give my opinion.

    The next time I hear an adult performer speak out about STD’s they better have a doctor’s license or I will call them out and tell them they’re too fucking stupid to understand the medical industry because they don’t have a MD after their name.

    Fucking ridiculous.

  75. @BT –
    It’s also possible that they tested at a PASS clinic and tested positive for gonorrhea. After the first round of antibiotics prescribed by the PASS clinic didn’t work then they went to a private doctor.

    The PASS system would show them as unavailable to work, but the industry would have no idea why they were unavailable to work and the PASS clinic would only have a record of the performer having gonorrhea, but wouldn’t know the first round of antibiotics failed.. unless the performers went back to the same clinic.

    The biggest problem would be how long did the performers have the treatment resistant strain of gonorrhea before it was actually caught by a test? That could be anywhere from 1 day to 28 days… and that doesn’t even include work beyond that for producers who don’t require testing or use PASS.

  76. Whoops, Bob.. or Lacey.. or whoever is getting grumpy. I have never questioned your intelligence, just your judgement and opinions. Fortunately I don’t have to. You put your own intelligence into question quite well with these little tantrums that without fail pop up sooner or later. I understand that you desperately want to be part of the adult business anyway you possibly can, there is no other real reason to be here, but this may not be for you. The real difference between you and me is if my accountant were to listen to an escort just like myself who was writing posts on …I would fire him immediately because I would understand my accountant is a retard. Just saying. I am going to give you the last word…I am starting to feel bad about letting this go to far. It has gone past productive to personal and I am not into raining on anyone’s parade. So fire at will, there will be no return volley.

  77. I may have fallen pumpkin truck yesterday…but hoping that the dedicated employee at CET who went in on Thanksgiving to get test results from Wednesday tests did so in response to people taking this seriously and testing, so they could be reassured or begin appropriate treatment protocols.

    Scary to see repeated requests to not use antibiotics pre test…throws idea of reassurance out the window in face of ‘proving’ or providing clean test results as a priority over actually keeping disease off sets. (Just as abhorrent as stakeholders putting cost on performers is anyone using antibiotics to beat the test…if you do this and bitched about the HepC or syphilis..yer a hypocrite!)

    Does anyone know if affiliated testing facilities are able to do anatomical swabbing and culturing required for CDC follow up? CDC recommends a two month look back from initial diagnosis…not sure if that gets reduced to last clean test or not when tested more frequently.

  78. Whoops, somebody woke up grumpy and threw a tantrum. Your taking this way to personally. I never questioned your intelligence, just your judgements, views, opinions, and identity. I will let you be, I am feeling bad in a bully kind of way. Oh! I almost forgot, since you inquired, just search brookeishot for rates and such 😉

  79. @brooke,

    Now I see why your so offended by Lacey and lurking. Your one of those high risk porn stars that also moonlights as an escort in Miami no less. So I wonder how many of the male talent that live in Florida that you know. I guess your not rushing to text them and ask if they read mikes article and see if they get dodgey. If they due I bet you money he is the infected one.

    also have you done any new scenes with the local male talent? Got a recent test from them or for yourself in the last week? Or due you ever due any recreational adult activities not for money or san confom with those from the industry? If so it my be time for a lot less bitching and a lot more testing like mike is hopping talent will be doing in the possibilty he is correct.

  80. If you go through the Clover stories you will notice that Diane Duke and Free Speech Coalition didn’t really talk about it. Derek Hay and LATATA did. There was a disease in the business. Derek Hay and LATATA circumvented Diane Duke, they did it with the help of Mike South and Mike South applauded them for doing it. Mike South said that that Derek Hay and LATATA handled it better than Free Speech Coalition ever could’ve. The exact same scenario is going on with this supposed super gonorrhea outbreak. So why aren’t Derek Hay and LATATA handling it? Here’s what he wrote on August 13, 2013: “When Clover came forward and LATATA got the information out Diane Duke was intentionally cut out of the information flow, many times in the past she has done underhanded things to circumvent the proper flow of information to performers and to try to make herself and the FSC look powerful. LATATA thought that a better job could be done with these situations and indeed it was.” There you go guys. Can it be made any clearer? Mike South, Derek Hay and LATATA had the exact same scenario as what’s going on now. So why are Derek Hay and LATATA not getting involved now? So I guess all of these talent involved are part of the 25% of the rogues out there who are not LATATA members, so if they’re not LATATA members Derek Hay and LATATA doesn’t get involved. Apparently the talent exposed to super gonorrhea are not with LATATA, so if they’re not with LATATA, LATATA isn’t getting involved. But is they’re not, wouldn’t they want to get in front of this and say “Hey, if they were part of LATATA, this wouldn’t have happened.” But no, they’re silent. But if it is just this rogue talent out there that is going around spreading super gonorrhea, don’t you think it would be time to wear a condom? Now I haven’t heard of anyone having super gonorrhea, Mike South is the only one reporting it and Diane Duke is saying it’s not true. Why doesn’t anybody ask Mike South a simple question, “Are any of the talent exposed to super gonorrhea with an agency who is a member of LATATA?” Since Mike South know the players involved and is dealing with his secret sources, can he at least say whether they are LATATA members? If he says no, then we’re dealing with rogue talent and isn’t that a fucking reason why people should wear condoms? But if they are LATATA members, why are they not talking about it like they did with Clover? Because this is the exact same situation. What has changed in three months? Don’t forget, Derek Hay poked his head out three weeks ago with Alex Gonz. So can anybody tell me what’s changed in three months with Derek Hay and LATATA?

  81. Yes..what’s changed is that the lawyers have told them.STFU!!! Stop naming names and cover your ass.

    If anyone could prove someone knew about the HepC performer working AFTER he tested positive that is potentially a huge liability issue…the August & October press releases were intent on stating..the talent agency had no prior knowledge..etc etc..talent agent said this in August then got performer back in October to restate that in performers terms.

  82. What funny if rogue part indusrty was make porn that was part FSC or LATATA shooting porn out side California La. Which accord story did happen in Florida which no part has mandatory condom law unlike La. Which California laws have no effect upon Florida. Would be strech that new dease came from Florida made way LA. If turn out be rogue part porn indusrty they be following any guide lines FSC becuase they would part of FSC. Here joke people want blame FSC matter you have be part of FSC for them know what going on in it. It like kind like how better business bureau works if your company with them you can file complaints againt that company they well look in to it. How ever try file complaint againt company does work with better business bureau they tell sorry can help you. I am gone ruine wet dreams FSC haters buy state there many porn companys that not part FSC not force join or agree with them. So is any one suprise that this event can happen when have people cheating on testing Protocols from FSC buy going owen doctors lieing to ever each other porn indusrty if have STD or not. It very clear you can cheat the FSC safty protocols there nothing gone stop that becuase there no one punishing those doing it. Last people broke FSC safty protocols did even get slap on rest. All have be forgiven in porn indusrty say your sorry that did kill some one than ever thing ok. People keep say FSC enforcement part indusrty really FSC agrument all been indusrty enforce it self. Here where none indusrty people get trip up on there nothing on FSC mission statment say they are the enforcement wing of porn indusrty safty protocols. If have doubt to that than need go read there statement word for word. Here some else gone kill all porn FSC hater way get info voluntary mean if some one in porn indusrty does volunteer FSC is gone know about it. So those want keep toss wild conspiracy theories silly conjecture about FSC go learn what about before talk about make self looks stupid over matter people that are in indusrty.

  83. Ok.king Richard who knows all but we don’t have a clue what his stake in this is?

    FSC used to have a third part of mission statement regarding safety protocols..they have removed it since renaming APHSS to PASS.

    Have you read the letters to state and fed legislators from Duke/FSC to have a clue what you are saying?


    Check out this little entry on May 28. TTS announces that their gonnorrhea test is specific to the super gonnorrhea H104.
    Hmmm, seems TTS has been concerned about this for MONTHS now.(But not a single word from PASS or the PASS medical advosory boardlol) Could it be that these incidents are not the first in the industry?

    Dianne, PASS, FSC, any comment on YOUR approved testing facility being so concerned about this super gonnorrhea that they changed tests to check for it????? I wonder what made them change thier test?

  85. Hey…Pssst…Scoop McGee…the only person this is news to in the industry is apparently you. I would stop worrying about what I’m doing and immediately enroll yourself back into the 3rd grade and get a handle on that outstanding grammar your working on there. I know that mine is not perfect by any means, but this is Maury Povich level at best to the point of incoherence. Just in case there is any more big thinkers who feel that the best path to further, validate, or as a last resort defend their point or intellectual honor by outing me as or calling me a hooker, escort, whore, I say good luck with that. I beat you to that in great big neon letters 10 years ago. So, with that said Mr., you go right ahead and type out the biggest, meanest, nastiest, retort you can. I’m sure if you ask nicely someone will help you proofread whatever disaster of a post you come up with. (Just you watch and see how greatly his grammar improves on his next one…it’s never fun being lectured on your scholastic abilities by a dirty, filthy, whore) Just saying.

  86. Brooke, nobody here cares about who or what you are. Most of the people posting here are concerned for the people that you and your cohorts have unprotected sex with. As I have said before, its difficult to care about people who dont care about themselves.

    NOBODY who claims to be concerned with their own and the welfare of others has multiple partner unprotected sex, with others who have multiple unprotected parnters. ACTIONS speak louder than words, and these acts say, “I dont give a fuck about anybody I might be harming, as long as my check clears.” People who care dont knowingly put others at high risk. And the standard porn justification of this bad, risky behavior, “It your CHOICE” is just bullshit, becuase there is no CHOICE in porn, you either dont use a condom and put your partner at risk, or you dont work.

  87. Ok anonymous person who is not part porn indusrty . You say have clue yet have no idea who involved in this you have no idea if they belong FSC or not only clue have what Mike tells you. There fact you ingor my part argeument about rogue part indusrty that could slip on buy FSC becuase they where not part of FSC. Your argument againt FSC only works if people in belong FSC which Mike has made clear who or what they belong to. So your guesing like all those none indusrty people do not know what going on in this story untill Mike tells them so. Oh wise anonymous none indusrty person you keep ingoring fact part story took place in Florida which unravels all agruments made about what law suite you say matter so much in La over this matter. I do not remembe Duke/FSC make this stament any one in Florida where some this took place to. So agrument only work if event just state in La falls apart real fast when even takes place in Florida. Like all people have hot hard on hate for FSC your agruments only work if this event in California. So I am happy that you are write your opion as anonymous person so can laugh dismiss it as punich line in bad joke. So buy all means push all your facts that you do not know on some else that does know what real going on indusrty. Keep tell those in porn indusrty there opion does matter becuase your state thing about FSC that do know are true or not. I made my point all of you can read or hate but made.

  88. Hey Duke//FSC stakeholders……if you’re answering questions…..

    I’d like to know if the affiliated testing center just dreamed up the June hep awareness month or tried before that to change the testing protocols and got told ..pound sand..NFW we ain’t paying and performers won’t go for paying more.

  89. Look, I don’t have a clue what you’re going for here with respect to my reply. Is this a statement? An accusation of blame? An order? I do think you meant to say “Either you use a condom and don’t put your partner at risk, or you don’t work”. The way you have it is really kind of a dead end street. It will confuse people like acftmch.

  90. FSC used to have a third part of mission statement regarding safety protocols..they have removed it since renaming APHSS to PASS. So you know what means FSC no longer responsible safe gaurd porn indusrty from selfs. Wow anonymous person does belong in porn indusrty thank you for make that statement clear as day. So all that crap you where spouting about FSC be in trouble over this matter mean nothing at all. What porn indusrty do with out your opion anonymous person does belong in porn indusrty.

  91. Actually, you’re the one confusing people…

    Jilted stated it correctly:
    -There is no CHOICE in porn.
    -You either don’t wear a condom and put your partner at risk.
    -Or, you don’t work.

    There is no mention of using condoms because we all know the majority of performers wouldn’t currently work if they wanted to use a condom.

    Carry on……

  92. @richard

    Good luck with whatever your purpose is….

    FSC removed the public statements..they are still taking money for producers to look @ PASS and having affiliated testing centers enter y/n availability. FSC is still the administrator for PASS, they are still the ones who announce any moratoriums etc related to disease on the set.

    I got that from FSC and their affiliated news sites, Avn xbiz and statements made by duke for FSC…I’m not the one relying on unsubstantiated info cus someone shouts it at me.

    Each time you try to make me look uninformed, you are the one who looks like a fool for repeating the tom Tom someone else is beating, (incorrectly at that I might add) Anyone who does check facts will look at my statements and can check them vs accusations about my are they gonna give me some sort of test to prove what you say? Idk you seem to know it all but don’t reference any facts. Good luck with that.

  93. @richard

    Wtf are you trying to say? Who knows what you’re talking about..they performer in this post that went to Florida..(somebody from years knows) .we don’t know if where or when they got exposed…we don’t know crap about who represents them…wtf with rogue? Are they rogue if they don’t pay to peek at pass? If they only require 30 day vs 14 day testing….none of which we have any info about.. Enough already…no one will know anything more till we know…trying to spin every one else into simple statements of fact isn’t doing anything but proving that you have some issue with me..I don’t give a shit what you..oh wise and wonderful person who has no connection with porn besides whacking your dick to pretty pictures.. thinks.

    Bottom line…FSC is the one who makes press statements…they deny or confirm how well the porn industry testing works…they developed it and seem to be proud of it. Now stop trying to disprove facts with bullshit opinions.

  94. To put it BLUNTLY, the adult film actors ALL want to work without interruption (othewise they can’t pay rent because porn doesn’t pay talent enough) and show how CLEAN they are. The way they do this is by self-medicating (or going to Dr. Riggs, who enables them) whenever they feel that funny feeling ‘down there’ and CIRCUMVENTING the system. Some of them even have a stack of STD/HIV results to show other talent! “Hey, look, I’ve NEVER caught an STD! Work with me!!! I’m CLEAN!!!” So, since they can’t take a day off of work, they take a Zythromax or four and show up on set the NEXT DAY hoping nobody will notice! What happens next is they give their gonnorhea which is now getting used to the Zythromax to their partner, who allows it to fester until their next test! Next thing you know you have Anti-biotic resistant gonnorhea! The adult talent pool has become a cauldron of STD’s (that is why I quit altogether) as a result, and the outside world wouldn’t mind so much if it didn’t DIRECTLY AFFECT US TOO!!!! How, you may ask, does it affect the rest of us? Simple… The adult talent aren’t only having unprotected sex with other talent! I know, shocker, right? So they are spreading these diseases to THE PUBLIC AT LARGE!!!!! Now its not a question of ‘if’ the SuperGonnorhea spreads like wildfire to the rest of us, it’s a question of WHEN!!!!! ‘Nuf said?

  95. Ok anonymous person good luck your self repeating same bull shit with fact only given buy Mike South no one else. Good luck tell people you know what going with story when you do not know what who where it happen. Good lucky explain FSC falt when have know idea if any took apart this story even was apart FSC. Reference fact have no idea if those fact have any thing do with this or not your tu bussy guessing. Good luck not answering questions from people can not seem answer with just same old spin you spout. Wow you can state FSC party line good for you do you know what state is what all,s do??? I am sorry you where not part indusrty so have no clue to that becuase was any statement they made on Xbizz or AVN. Good luck with that.

  96. Never mind the performers being delusional…can too much weinie whacking make you see stuff that just isn’t there?

  97. My purpose is show can not trust anonymous writes who getting there facts about porn indusrty from Xbizz Avn adultfyi or here than state them back as fact when they do even know whole story yet on no any facts than what they been given. My purpose show anonymous write you have know idea about what happing in this blog that MIke South has told you. My purpose question what you knew about this case in which you could explain what or who was evolved in it only thing could say was FSC falt. Good luck to you becuase not fooling any one on this matter.

  98. Must be sad think people in porn indusrty are laugh at you becuase all your facts come from them less creditable site Mike all makes fun of now than.

  99. I hope people don’t trust my word…I hope they go look at the sources sited for the facts vs gossip and speculation..

    So richard what exactly are your qualifications again? Besides weinie whacker and hiding behind a name that isn’t on your birth certificate…aka anonymous..why should we trust your word? If you sincerely have nothing better to do than bitch you don’t like me…please oh please turn on a video and whack that baby till you feel better 🙂

  100. “Who really cares anymore? If the talent is too stupid or too irresponsible to care about their physical health, then why should anyone else?”

    I agree with Brooke! You can’t help people who don’t want help or don’t at least try to help themselves.
    The performers don’t seem to care about their own health,let alone anyone else’s.
    They don’t seem to care about whether or not they might contract HIV, syphilis, Hep C or anything else.
    If they were smart enough to demand condoms they wouldn’t have to worry about catching all these evil and nasty STD’S!

    So if the performers don’t care about catching all these other STD’S…Do you REALLY think these people are going to be worried about catching Super Gonorrhea?
    They DON’T care!

  101. @Lacey

    Should we ask site host set up a one time cam for us each to do our bit for industry then we could avoid the nasty diseases and have a legitimate claim to belonging? 🙂 might even make half a buck from fetish freaks looking for one time girls 🙂

  102. That funning come from some one keep saying there qualifications does matter write there opion on this site. Name call sighn of troll. I do not feel you becuase there nothing feel. Your anonymous person easy to dismiss easy write off. Go try make your opion matter some one who think means some thing them for does mean any thing to me. Your just another anonymous person who does know indusrty think they do becuase there read about here. Point made move on you can go be silly you want becuase I just do care about anonymous person opion not even part indusrty. Who question other people qualifications does explain what make them qualifi them selfs. I love when anonymous person spreads gossip and speculation on blog site when do even have facts enough spread gossip and speculation on subject becuase writer blog has give enough facts do so. So please keep this up make me laugh along with any one fron indusrty reading your blog.

  103. What funny my frist name Richard on my brith certificate. What your LurkingReader??? Oh state secret so know one well ever know. Sincerely you must like respond to my comments becuase you can not help your self. Gee never been so properly. I well keep state my my opion just like you untill head blog site removes me. So be happy you well see more of me.

  104. Yes, Richard, we all understand how stupid you’re making LurkingReader look. With all of her stupid facts and research statistics and past case law, she looks like a real fucking idiot…

    Btw, what exactly have you contributed here?

  105. Lacey Blake who are you what have done for porn indusrty again??? How stupid of me your another anonymous writes in porn indusrty person no one has clue in porn indusrty what you have done. What qualifications do you bring on subject Lacey Blake???? Ops you do not know any more on this matter than what Mike state here. Wow I am not impress with your qualifications on matter Mike can be I am not. Yet if she went court with her conjecture base on what she saying here opposing console start questioning where did her facts about FSC come in this matter. Only thing she could say well Mike told meit was these people sent they had dease only guess was FSC falt. Becuase did say the people in question had any part of being in FSC Mike did explain who people in question where becuase not allowed to no one know if where part FSC or not. Becuase know one had idea who they where or who they working for. How stupid can be blame FSC when facts story have been so vague that people blame FSC all ready have absolute no fact who what where this took place. All they can repeat well FSC falt really becuase what??? Excuse me if not take the word of anonymous person who say there not part indusrty. Sent your anonymous person who have no fucking clue what reason you have be part this blog dismiss your opion like do other anonymous person.

  106. Wel it finally got quiet at work for 10 minutes to tap out a comment on my phone. Well people like Brooke makes sence in their little world who didn’t have much to say about risky lifestyles and with escorting and making porn since she does the same thing as cameron bay.

    Well with lacey and lurking wish mike could set up a tango or skype conference call so the intelligent well written commenters not in the industry can vent to each other without having dislexic or illeterates trashing us when their not considering issues on the same level as we present the info.

  107. Love this know state does matter this happen Florida to. Wow thanks again for make that statement. I guess porn indusrty in Florida does account in this matter. Wow becuase you do not know who ever body is what ever body does in porn indusrty it does matter you have no clue what this is about unless Mike South tells you. So there you have becuase some fact do not go with this person reasoning all those have you agrument againts are all wrong. Wow this voice reason on Mike South blog. Stop give my bullshit opinions when quite first have nice day.

  108. @jw

    Don’t recall if they named the 2013 testing recall the performer stating that he went to approved facilities and relied on their info..that he was always passed to work and didn’t know how that status got changed.

  109. The porn industry is missing a huge opportunity to cover the cost of performer testing. There is no debate that the antibiotic resistant gonnorrhea has the potential to become a huge health risk, not just for porners, but the entire world.
    The porn industry would be a perfect pool of people to conduct tests for new antibiotics, or combinations of existing drugs to fight the new super gonnorrhea. You have hundreds of very sexaully active people, testing frequentl, and frequently testing positive for gonnorrhea. There is no doubt that some pharmacutical company would love to have this perfect “experiment” to do their research, and they would pay big bucks for the opportnity, probably more than enough to pay for all testing and treatment. DO YOU HEAR THAT PRODUCERS, YOU CAN GET OFF THE HOOK FOR PAYING FOR TESTING!!!!

    But here is why it will never happen. If the industry participated in a trial like this, the statistics would be made public, and as I have said before, the one thing the industry will guard and try to keep secret, above all else, is the true rate of std’s in the industry.

    Of course TTS or CET could make a deal with a pharmacutical company and the FSC couldnt do anything about it, except maybe no longer accept them in the PASS system, which would really show the true colors of the FSC.

  110. Excellent post Brooke. But here’s the problem with the previaling attitude you just outlined. That performer/escort(guys and girls) will then spread that disease to another, and then that person spreads it to another, and so on and so on. It does not only affect the apathetic person who doesnt give a shit about themselves. That is why someone from the outside has to enforce the rules that normal people place on themselves. If it only affected the individual then fine, let them put themselves at risk, but it doesnt, it affects alot of people.

    But I will go one farther than you do Brooke, not only do these people not care about themselves, they dont give a shit about anybody else either, as long as the check clears.

    KATE, you are correct, they just dont care, and that is the exact reason that others must step in and enforce the rules.

  111. Of course they blamed CET. You wouldnt expect an adult to take responsiblity for knowingly having unprotected sex with multiple partners while infected with hepatitis and not inform their partners.
    Of course it is the phlebotomists fault who told him it was ok. Just like Xander Corvus cant be blamed for putting his bleeding penis into a girls mouth, that was a ‘group’ decision and Xander bares no blame for what he did with this penis.

    Been a while JW, hope you had a good thanksgiving/

  112. Jilted: It really is pretty sad that the performers DON’T care!
    And that the industry considers money more important than people’s lives!

  113. Of course it wasn’t Alex’s fault jilted! So he knew he had Hep C and continued to hide the results so he could continue to work! Not his fault! Geez! After all, He went to an approved facility and he was cleared to work! Blame them! Give the guy a break! His conscience is clear! 😉

  114. Ever one let give Lacey Blake hand only thing she has done for porn indusrty is buy porn watch it. Hate tell this Lacey Black guess what I buy porn watch to so I am qualified state my opion as you are from your standards. But does mean becuase watch porn pay for porn that people in porn indusrty would call me expert on there indusrty. Jenna Jamson once told me this all people who claim they knew what what she did in porn she all suprise how many none porn indusrty people had no real clue what her indusrty was about all repeat same clueless remarks made off porn gosp that she did care about did not read. Good with you agrument Lacey.

  115. Richard no one accused you of being a pedophiles for not jumping on their bandwagon…no one told you your opinions didn’t matter…stop throwing stones from your glass house.

  116. Who in the fuck said I was an expert on the adult industry?

    So both you and I watch and buy porn… so fucking what??

    What is your god damn point??????????

  117. @jilted
    “The porn industry would be a perfect pool of people to conduct tests for new antibiotics, or combinations of existing drugs to fight the new super gonnorrhea. You have hundreds of very sexaully active people, testing frequentl, and frequently testing positive for gonnorrhea. There is no doubt that some pharmacutical company would love to have this perfect “experiment” to do their research, and they would pay big bucks for the opportnity, probably more than enough to pay for all testing and treatment.”

    While this is mere speculation, I think Miao got into working with the adult industry so he could see the results from the “pool”. When one is an expert on infectious diseases the porn industry is really the only place where hookers are tested regularly and have records of who they slept with and when are also available. That would provide amazing data that one normally wouldn’t have. That’s like winning the lottery if you are an infectious disease doctor.

    Is that sinister? When I go to my doctor and get checked for STD’s during my normal checkups my doctor always asks me if I am being safe. Does Dr. Miao do that? I guess that is an ethics question. If I told my doctor I did a gangbang I’m sure my doctor would advise against doing that because she isn’t in the business of making money off of infected people.

  118. Maybe UCLA is still doing this study that would not only cover all testing but pay for participation?

    August, 9, 2012 – Miami, FL – Talent Testing Service, Inc. (TTS) announces a partnership program with the University of California, Los Angeles for a sexual health study. Conducted by UCLA researchers, the study is designed to examine the presence of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia in urine, rectal and throat test samples. Any current or new TTS clients may opt in to receive the free additional testing and will be compensated $40.00 for participation and $10 for each additional person that participates via their referral. All testing is completely confidential.

    Interested clients will be processed as follows:

    1. Go to the Northridge, California office.
    2. Opt in to participate in the study.
    3. Read and sign an Informed Consent Form (ICF).
    4. Samples will be collected.
    5. Complete a brief electronic questionnaire on a tablet (i.e. i-Pad)
    6. Receive a US $40.00 gift card.

    Participants who test positive for Gonorrhea or Chlamydia will be provided with treatment supervised by a physician at no cost.

    This partnership supports TTS’s ongoing commitment to the most advanced infectious molecular testing for the adult industry. Since 2006, TTS has offered testing for HIV RNA via the FDA approved PCR test that detects the presence of the HIV virus earlier than all other tests. The company offers affordable testing options including a Basic Panel (HIV, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea) for $110, and a Full Panel (HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C) for $150.

    Talent Testing Service, Inc. caters to their clients by providing the most up-to-date technology. The company uses QR Codes for validating printed test results, as well as a convenient mobile page for verification of authenticity on-demand and access to actual test results. Producers/Agents as well as Talents are provided with a personal online dashboard that provides access to historical and most recent testing information. Furthermore, Talents can set up automatic reminders for next test dates.

    About Talent Testing Service, Inc. (TTS)
    Talent Testing Service, Inc. (TTS) provides safe, courteous, affordable, and convenient talent testing through wholly owned subsidiaries or collaborating sites. Since 2006, TTS has provided the most advanced infectious molecular testing for the adult industry. TTS is a privately held company with headquarters in Miami, Florida and a subsidiary office in Los Angeles, CA.
    [email protected]
    Miami, FL (Headquarters) (305) 792 2090 / Los Angeles (818) 885 0812
    Twitter: @talenttesting

  119. @Lurking,
    If you recall back when this study was announced, several adult sites, one being wrote an article telling performers NOT to participate in this study. And that simply proved the point that the industry, above all else, has a vested interest in keeping the true std statistics a secret.
    Just like the other study done at West Oaks Urgent Care, the main ‘go around the system’ facility, they were doing oral and anal swabs, and the results showed an astronomical high rate of infection, with infections in multiple anatomical sites in the majority of those tested.

    If the stats from the years of industry testing showed a lower std rate the industry would be screaming from the top of their lungs about it, but it doesnt, it shows exactly the opposite. The industry’s own testing system is all the proof you need of the need for mandatory condoms.

  120. @Cpan,
    Miao got into the adult testing because one of the former employees of AIM knew him personally from working with him at Sherman Oaks Hospital. When AIM closed the employee went to her friend and asked him if he could help, and he opened a seperalte little office next to his existing clinic to service adult workers.

    But the purpose of the industry testing is “Harm Reduction” The industry testing is a last resort, it is what you do when education fails, and you accept that your patients are going to behave recklessly. This type of program is not designed to educate and change the behavior of people, it is a program to just deal with the poor decisions people are making, and having multiple partner unprotected sex is a very poor decision.
    In the early days of AIM there was only one agent, Jim South, of World Modeling. Several times prospective new performers would go to AIM after their first meeting with Jim South to get tested, but after talking with the workers at AIM they decided that doing porn wasnt the right thing for them. Jim South would get very pissed off and say, Its not your job to talk girls out of doing porn, and if you continue to do this i wont send people there to get tested. That was always the catch 22 at AIM, and that is why AIM eventually accepted the role of a Harm Reduction program. The testng system is nothing more that the industry bath tub, where you go to get cleaned up after doing dirty things. The industry says they are the cleaner than the general public, but thats just because they get showered off more often, when in fact they are always diritier before that shower.

  121. @jilted

    Put it out there so folks stretched tight right now will consider calling TTS and or UCLA for current studies they might join …to have or find a way to get tested and treated if need be. Please don’t let not needing a test for on set activities stop you from getting checked out.

    Please don’t let what FSC/stakeholders think or tell you stop you from getting appropriate medical tests and/or treatment. Your personal safety is more important than any data or numbers they have a vested interest in hiding.

    This GC is so ugly I’d be running to get tested if I had two quick shits in a row..but that’s just a foolish idea from paranoid monogamous know nothing me 🙂

    Ty jilted for the background’s always a pleasure when you share your experience, wisdom and related context to situations! Will go check out the sources.

    It makes sense why an agent would get pissed at losing booking fees when prospective talent exercised informed consent and refused to take the risks revealed. Also shows FSC mentality to this day…buyer beware (performer) we don’t care how we make a long as we make a buck. Now get out there and fuck so we get a buck!

  122. Erik, since you are new here let me tell you a little about Mike South that may answer your questions. Before porn Mike worked in a high position for the US Government (at NASA). With this position comes contacts with many of the higher-ups at the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), especially at the time that Mike worked at NASA where we didn’t know if someone could bring home some weird disease from space travel. It is common knowledge that these sources will give information they are not authorized to give and insist on anonymity to protect their asses and jobs. I strongly suspect that this is the case here and this is why Mike isn’t identifying them or their agency.

    Also, this site is the premier news site for the porn industry and that is why porn people would ask Mike to disseminate necessary information about the industry. The other porn news sites have an agenda (other than to expose scumbags like Donny Long, do a search on here to see what Mike did to stop his campaign to vilify the biz) and slant news to fit their “needs”, Mike doesn’t and reports fairly and honestly.

  123. Decent batting average? From what I have seen (and I have been a reader for several years now) he is at about 90% (and that includes the Donkey Long scandal in which you would expect many wrong leads to show up). For an investigative reporter that is an excellent batting average. Of course you strive for perfection but in investigative journalism 60-70% accuracy is decent. 90% is exceptional and may actually mean Mike holds back on news stories longer than he should (I guess that is better in most cases than someone that releases at every whim). With this record when Mike releases a news item I take it as fact until (in a rare instance) it is proven wrong.

  124. I don’t think it is that they don’t care more than it is that they are desperate to pay the bills. Most of these chicks have a HS education at best, live in one of the most expensive cities in the world (either LA or SF) and need to keep a safe roof over their heads, keep the lights and gas on, food in their bellies and transportation to the San Fernando Valley (no busses to get to work out there, sorry). I know if I was desperate enough, were female and needed to keep the necessities of life I would fuck homeless #40 in a 50 (actually 38) man gang bang too.

  125. Calling people a pedo seems to be a trademark of the Rob Black crowd lately. I don’t know the circumstances that caused him to call you one but Rob Black spent a half hour that I know of calling me a pedo (and bluntly accused me of “sucking off little kids”) just because I dared to post on here that the Pedo Treptow story (and stated the obvious that he is a meth head) shouldn’t crowd out other items such as the Super Clap that need to be reported on. He started his rant against me less than 15 minutes after I posted on here so he even reads this blog during his show. Personally maybe I shouldn’t say it but I hope Katie or Lizzie brings Rob Black home the Super Clap, then maybe he will see the seriousness of it as the doctor gives him a shot of gentamycin in his ass.

    For the record if the girl isn’t at least 21 I don’t want to stick my dick into her.

  126. @mharris

    Lol she has to be 21 but you’d fuck homeless #40? Would that be top or bottom for #40?
    Seriously you’re wearing heart on sleeve, ruining our radio show perceptions!

  127. Brooke, believe it or not most people these days don’t think of whores as dirty or filthy unless they live in the Bible Belt. Most men have even used the services of a prostitute once or twice. Maybe someday our legislators will even think to legalize prostitution which IMO should have been legalized 40 years ago. Whether we disagree on things or not I personally don’t look down on people just because they have sex for a living. In fact if my dick were five inches longer and I didn’t need Viagra to keep it up I might have considered fucking in porn myself.

    BTW I actually did that search for you and looked at your rates. I made good money myself before retiring but what you make for four hours work is damn good money for going to dinner (I assume the client has to pay for your dinner) and stroking someone’s ego (I emphasize not their dicks — she is a porn performer/courtesan and not a prostitute and nothing about sex is mentioned on the rate sheet so moralistic police authorities can go mount a strap-on somewhere else)! I know people that work for 50 hours to make what you do in two to three. Just remember that looks don’t last forever so save what money you can now — you will thank yourself later for doing so.

  128. I actually looked up Dr. Riggs’ office (the West Oaks office Jilted mentioned). Turns out his main business according to his site is Workman’s Comp cases. I wonder if the producers are sending their VD infected talent to that office (considering he handles Workman’s Comp issues anyway). Dr. Riggs has two offices within five miles of each other in the Valley. With his vast Workman’s Comp experience he would also know enough to be able to write the visit up so producers aren’t technically liable on their insurance policies.

    I disagree with mandatory condoms as it causes more problems than it solves but I agree that some producers are more forthright than others and that testing should be paid by the industry and not the talent. Certainly talent should be covered under Workman’s Comp policies as well.

  129. This post is provides no evidence at all. Why would a “higher-up” at the CDC know about these 2 cases that no besides Mike has confirmed?

  130. Or it might not be true. No evidence either way. Everyone eventually had to cover and admit HIV+ stories. Why is that not happening here.

  131. Yeah…. choosing to do porn is a choice by definition. If the parameters make you feel that the risk is too great, then don’t participate. That is CHOICE.

  132. I’ve heard this argument before but its way too simplistic of a view. You can not choose, legally, to take part in a crime or to be a victim of a crime nor can you willfully choose to assume liability in order to skirt OSHA rules and regs.

    You can of course choose but these choices have consequences legally as any person who ever got a click or ticket ticket can tell you.

  133. @erik

    IF OSHA regs related to 1991 federal laws to contain and minimize HIV were followed…it would be free choice to accept lowest risk, no different than many other jobs…coal miners, gem diggers exposed to high levels of naturally occurring earth metals etc..since the industry has refused to even cooperate with these regs and threaten…condoms would make testing go away…no that’s not what standard OSHA regs say…they say..measure, eliminate or reduce to lowest permissible levels…there is no permissible level for infectious diseases..yet stakeholders refuse to implement methods of measure eliminate by exclusion and allow low levels of Treated HIV…then when someone shows up’s their fault for participating in risky offset behaviors…on set treated HIV are never even acknowledged let alone considered.

    That isn’t free choice, that is want a paycheck? Fine well pay you to risk your lifelong health for the benefit of our bottom line btw..go buy a test so we can say you didn’t bring your nasty diseases onto our set.

  134. Could you even imagine if this same theory was used in every industry?

    Take two workers in any other industry who could potentially kill each other or take a worker who could infect someone else, maybe a patient, with a disease and tell them “As of today, there are no safety regulations. As long as there is consent then anything goes… you have no responsibility to protect yourself, your fellow workers or the public so just do whatever you want.”

    Do you realize how immature and irresponsible that sounds? What if every industry on earth operated under your same theory? 90% of the work force would be sitting on the street starving until they were forced to risk their life in order to get a paycheck just to survive.

    Looking at the rest of the industrial world, we’ve come a long way in this country…. Workers now don’t have to risk their lives or their health without protection in order to earn a paycheck and provide for their family.

    Do you know how many rules and regulations stunt performers have to follow? You don’t really think that guy’s falling from a 10th floor balcony onto the top of a car, do you? Or, that the guy on fire just threw some gasoline on himself, used a lighter and started running around? Or, that window the guy just crashed through was really made of glass? Or, that the blood coming out of a bullet hole to the arm is real blood?
    Of course not. It would be much cheaper, much easier and a shitload faster if they just did the scene and sustained injuries, but stunt performers care about themselves and everyone around them so they use fake material to make things safer and they take 4 extra hours to shoot a scene if that’s what it takes to keep everyone safe.

    If two stunt performers consented to jump through a pure glass window… And we all know it’s about CHOICE… do you honestly think the producer, director or stunt coordinator would allow them to do that? Fuck no!!!

    But, using your theory they should be allowed to because, after all, it’s two consenting adults and they should just be able to do whatever they want because it’s their CHOICE to do so.

    As if anything in corporate America is that fucking easy or irresponsible.

  135. But they aren’t allowed to do what they want. They are required to test. Your argument was about they might not get hired again. Maybe. I certainly haven’t seen proof. I was saying, if someone wants a condom, but does the scene without to earn future pay. That is a very clear moment of them weighing risk and reward. I wouldn’t recommend going against your conscience, but that is a choice. I don’t quite understand comparing porn to most other fields let alone doctors. Porn is much easier. Go to school for 8 years or have sex for a living. Not comparable. This ease of job could conceivably come with higher risks in some aspects. Doctors as a group may have lower STD rates as a group. They also have to watch people die more often and probably have more stress as a group. These are trade offs that were maybe not specifically contractual, but were agreed on when they went into that field. If the top of a persons priorities at this stage in history is to not get STD’s, maybe porn is not right. You may have to take a harder job in some respect that allows for more safety in that 1 area. Overall: 1. I have never seen any proof that porn performers are at greater long term health risk than the general population. 2. I hope in the future performers will feel more freedom to choose condoms without fear of future job loss. I really don’t think you should try to frame porn performers by comparing it to other industries. Maybe sports. I can’t imagine that the average performer lifespan is more than 2 years. Not like most industries or careers at all. Lastly, you might think it some public facade to protect their place in the business, but the majority of performers have come out against a mandate. Rarely have I seen people advocate safety for a group against that very groups wishes. True choice would be optimal, I admit that is hard to do with the way things are set up.

    P.s.- To Mike. I’m not of your political belief, but please explain this. How does a Libertarian go from “this industry isn’t running/looking out for safety like it should” to “let’s get a government mandate quick”. Do you support mandated healthcare? In one case a group may get STD’s from chosen sex acts in the other people die from lack of healthcare.

  136. “There is no CHOICE in porn.”

    I was essentially just arguing with the clarity and forcefulness of this statement. Choosing not to do a scene out of principal of not feeling safe is in any literal sense a choice. While, you are completely correct that the choice shouldn’t be met with negative consequences, there is choice. It seems that if tons of performers were worried and stood up for that idea by not working without a condom, things would change. If you buy that, either they have seeded that principled stand for money or they actually don’t want, need or aren’t as worried about the condom situation as you are. If you believe their public comments, it seems the majority don’t want condoms mandated.

  137. @jilted
    I know of Jim South and World Modeling.

    For Miao to be such a respected person in the field of infectious diseases there has to be motivation behind putting his name to the industry other than helping out a friend. To go from being one of the first people to work on HIV in the 80’s to being “Dr. Porn” is a huge step that definitely can taint ones name/image in the medical field.

    Doctors can be shady just like anyone else. For instance, there are patents on cures for AIDS. That doesn’t mean that they work by any means, but if anyone uses the processes defined in the patent and they do in fact work in some way then that doctor makes bank if the medicine/procedure is passed.

    I’m not trying to infer that Dr. Miao has evil intentions, but working with some of the dirtiest folks out there with data showing where they have been can be his motivation. It removes a lot of unknown variables that most doctors have to face. When a normal patient comes in with some new disease you don’t know if they are telling the truth about who they have been with. In porn you at least have documentation showing part of their journey.

    You would also want people to all go through the same process as well in order to have more complete data.

    Most doctors can’t get people to pay to be guinea pigs.

  138. Call me a pragmatic Libertarian while I believe in Adam Smiths invisible hand economics that simply isnt the reality and it doesnt mean that a hazardous working environment should ever be acceptable.

    As any good Libertarian will tell you, your rights end where mine begin

  139. @erik2690

    Your point of..they are required to test..proves mine.
    Who is the THEY you refer to..performers or producers (aka stakeholder)

    Stakeholders ARE required by regulation …to measure, eliminate or reduce to lowest limit…this is the testing you refer to

    Stakeholders have FORCED that responsibility and the associated economic burden onto the performers who have no choice in the matter..they decry regulation as an infringement yet infringe on the performers carrying their weight ..every time they say we test and exclude or promote bullshit ideal that performers actually have a choice in this.

    Try to spin it anyway you’d like…no political view will reconcile that reality.

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